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The failure analysis professionals

Specialists in
energy systems
mechanical, &

World class consultants for over 30 years.

There is only one way:
The right way.

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Engineering - Petroleum
oil production

The Industry

The company grew out of the petroleum industry of the 1970's. We are well experienced with the cyclic nature of the trade. We have survived high oil prices and low.

The petroleum industry has high economic risk, expensive equipment, and high energy environments with an exceptional safety and environmental record for the last generation.

The principals were oil & gas company executives and are independent oil and gas producers.


Our clients are predominantly Fortune 100 companies, but we also have a healthy, vibrant relationship with small independent operators.

We provide facilities and production support, which includes power system design, lightning mitigation, submersible failure analysis, corrosion control, and equipment evaluation.

Projects have involved secondary recovery, waterfloods, carbon dioxide production and injection, as well as individual wells.
utility line

Power Costs

Power costs typically represent one-third of all operating costs. This is a major expense item that can be controlled.

Power contracts are negotiated to provide the optimum overall cost for your operations. Because of our extensive petroleum and utility experience, we are uniquely situated  to represent your best interests. We have no serious competition with equivalent expertise. more

Power Design

Power distribution is different in the petroleum industry from utilities. Importance of continued operations without company power-line people is typical of production operations.

We have published award-wining, peer-reviewed papers that demonstrate the efficacy of our design techniques over typical utilities. more Papers

Power system design specifications, standards, and recommended practices have been developed for many companies. The specs are uniquely developed for your location and conditions.  more


Our engineers are active participants in industry professional organizations.

We are members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the Petroleum & Chemical Industry Conference of IEEE and Standards Board of IEEE

We have chaired many standards within API and IEEE. more
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