


This overview is to give a flavor of the custom seminars and manuals.  It includes excerpts from the introduction along with table of contents from two different courses - a comprehensive and a topical structured for a particular audience.


Comprehensive Short Course

Topical Short Course



Electrical power costs are about one-third of industrial production operating costs. They represent a major part of most industrial companies’ operating budget. Furthermore, electrical operations receive very little attention in proportion to their impact. Moreover, most operations are critically dependent on electrical energy. Whether for motors, computers or environmental systems electricity has become the most used and flexible energy form.

The major reasons that study of electrical system is shunned are three fold. The first reason is fear because of the perceived hazards associated with electricity. The second obstacle is lack of understanding of the fundamental theory. The third hurdle is electrical concepts must be explained by nebulous models. One cannot taste, smell, see, hear, or touch the stuff without significant hazard.

Nevertheless, a good grasp and working knowledge of the electrical fundamentals can be obtained without being a graduate electrical engineer. This presentation will be made in outline form to assist future quick reference.


The outline covers equipment from the top of the pole to the bottom of the hole. Every electrical power circuit has the same form. The items of discussion will be basic terminology, application, and safety.

A typical power system is shown in the figure. Electrical systems always convert an available energy source to electrical energy. The electricity is then conveniently transferred to a load which converts the electrical energy back to another energy form.


In addition to technology, the design and installation of any electrical system must consider three major items - safety, environment, and cost.